Thursday, September 7, 2017

Getting to Know You...

What are your expectations for this class and for yourself in this class? What do you think of when you hear the word movie? What is your favorite movie? Why? 


  1. I'm really hoping that this course is going to give me a new perspective on watching movies, honestly. I love analyzing and over-analyzing things, especially things that I'm interested in, so I hope to take what I gain from this course and apply it to other films in my free time. Also, I'm not entirely sure what my future is going to look like, so maybe this will inspire me in some way! There's so many elements to making and analyzing films that one of them is bound to speak to me. As for my self-expectations, this is a course that I really am excited to work on and to motivate myself for! As someone with previous time-management failings, I'm going to push myself to stay on top of things this year - especially for film, but hopefully for the rest of the IB program, too.

    When I hear movie, probably the first thing that comes to mind are the films I've actually seen at Regal (superhero blockbusters and children's movies, to be brutally honest), because something about that theater environment burns a movie into my brain. Next would probably be Family Movie night (where, once every 6 weeks, it is my turn to share a movie with my family! Seen some good ones so far, but my brother also made us watch the Nut Job. I'm not sure what a real analysis of it would yield, but in my unprofessional opinion, it was bad.)

    My favorite movie would be The Color Purple (it is no coincidence that this is also my favorite book, my love for the novel definitely influenced this choice). Aside from how much i adore the characters and the story, the visual elements was absolutely gorgeous. There's this use of shadows (which I'm sure is present more times than I noticed them) where we don't see the characters directly, it's their shadows that tell the story, and I remember thinking how that was really neat. The colors, too, are truly stunning - there's just a lot of incredible elements that I can't wait to deconstruct! Also, sidenote, I've cried at a lot of things, especially movies, but this movie was the only one where I was unable to say anything after because I was so stunned. And it wasn't just me, everyone in my family was sobbing...sans my brother, who ruined the mood by saying he didn't "get it".

  2. Honestly I expect quite a few all nighters, paired with stress and frustration. A few upperclassmen have said that this class is a lot of work and one of the senior told me that the new curriculum is going to increase our workload. I’m essentially coming into the class blind and hope that it won’t be as bad as literally everyone is making it out to be. When I consciously make the decision to get something done, I get it done, but that conscious decision tends to be made late at night when I’m feeling restless, so the class’s workload may help to push me to make that decision at a reasonable time. I’ve always been interested in taking pictures and working with cameras overall so I’m hoping to get to work with the cameras. I also really like to analyze literature and at times I’ve done that with movies so hopefully I’ll be able to improve on that and annoy my family while watching movies.

    When I hear the word movie I think of family movie nights and entire days over the summer dedicated to reliving my childhood by watching Disney movies. Despite movies reminding me of family and friends, they also make me think of 2 hours of boredom because I tend to need a fast paced plot to keep my interest. Overall movies have a positive place in my mind, but unless I have something else to do while watching, I’ll space out or start building my own plot, forgetting about the movie entirely.

    To be entirely honest, my favorite movie would have to be The Princess Bride (1987). The plot is hardly ever boring, and it keeps my attention with humor, both verbal and actions. Its one of the few movies that I can watch multiple times and still be interested in. Its left an imprint in my memory and I can still remember the first time I saw it (this is surprising because my memory is atrocious and I don't remember most of what's happened in my life). I was about 9 or 10 when my parents took us to see it at some theater. My brother was still young and began to act fussy so my mom had to leave, but I was completely absorbed in the movie. Ever since then I’ve loved the story and the characters.

  3. I expect to enjoy this class. I’ve been wanting to take it since I knew it was an option at City Honors, and I feel like that opportunity is the reason I’m still at this school. I expect myself to work hard, and I sure hope I enjoy it because I know this is something I’m passionate about. I know myself and my work ethic, and I know that if I like what I’m doing, I’m going to work hard at it. Going into this course, my only hands-on experience is that I really like editing, and it’s something I’ve always payed attention to while watching movies. I did my personal project on intertextuality in film, so I hope that will guide my consideration of the context of a movie in terms of how it gained inspiration from other movies. I definitely appreciate analysis because I love gaining new perspectives and deeper understandings of things. Watching things through a certain lens can make me interested in something that I previously was not interested in. I want to go into the film industry someday, and I hope this class will help me consider my choices and guide me along that path.

    When I hear the word movie, my mind does go to the typical blockbuster, but I also think of home movies. I think of an ensemble of characters, themes, a story, and so on, much like in literature. Overall, I just think of a moving picture. For me, the word movie means entertainment. I definitely don’t see it as something that has to be a cinematic masterpiece, but rather as something that can be simply a creative outlet or entertaining content for an audience.

    I have a lot of favorite movies. I like a lot of movies from the 80s, such as Dead Poets Society (1989), Stand By Me (1986), and most of all Running On Empty (1988). However, I think my all-time favorite movie is Baz Luhrmann's Moulin Rouge (2001). I love how extravagant it is, but at the core it has a simple story. The soundtrack is absolutely amazing, and it’s fast-paced and honestly pretty silly which makes it so enjoyable and rewatchable. The color symbolism, the choreography, and so many other things just blow me away. I know Moulin Rouge is one of those movies where you either love it or you hate it, and I love it.

  4. Throughout IB Film, I hope and intend to become a better filmmaker. I am really interesting in becoming more knowledgeable about film. For my MYP personal project, I made a video essay about LGBT representation in media (mostly current television). Since then, I have been paying a lot of attention to the messages portrayed in film. I enjoy finding and examining hidden meaning, such as in (I know this isn’t a movie) the animated miniseries Over the Garden Wall, which I absolutely love. I hope to learn what exactly goes into creating those messages and how a story is told in general. I have always been especially interested in cinematography, so I hope to improve my skills in that area.

    When I hear the word movie I just think of the last movie I watched, usually. “Movie” clearly connotes movement. This is part of why I like movies over drawings and photographs; they have the additional element of motion. Sometimes I like to watch movies that make me think (I’m still thinking about Synecdoche, New York, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop) and sometimes I like to just turn off my brain and watch a cheesy 2000’s movie (August Rush is a great movie, don’t touch me) or a Disney Channel Original Movie. To me, a movie is a story that is told through sight and sound (and is, of course, filmed).

    My favorite movie is Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, which is based on my favorite novel of the same name. It is a great example of a novel-to-screen adaptation done right. I think that, visually, it is amazing. The camera movements are one of my favorite aspects, because a lot of them are used to transition between shots. The protagonist is a teenage filmmaker, which is what drew me to the book and then movie. The book changed writing styles throughout, with some prose, bulleted lists, and scripts in different chapters. In the movie, there is a mix of live-action and animation. It’s fun so fun to just watch, because the cinematography is great to just look at. This movie is also the only movie that has ever, to my memory, made me cry.

  5. I expect to greatly enjoy my two years in IB Film. I understand that it is a hard course and I would not have taken it on had the subject not truly enthralled me and had I not felt that I was up to the challenge. I hope to thrive and do well in this class, however I am well aware that it will be no walk in the park. Overall, the idea of picking up a camera and watching an idea that beforehand had existed only in my head be transferred into a moving picture that people can see and enjoy, excites me to no end.(I understand that it is in no way that simple, I'm just illustrating a point) As of right now I have aspirations to become a film director. However, that's all they are: aspirations. Having never really made any film of any merit whatsoever(outside of backyard productions with my sister when I was little), this course provides the chance for me to answer two very important questions: a)Am I good at this? B)Do I enjoy doing this enough to pursue it into college and beyond? We'll have to see.

    When I hear the word "movie", my mind instinctively brings up images of movie theaters and television screens, on which characters and worlds are brought to life. It is one thing to imagine a scene from a novel or short story, but it is another thing all together to experience a scene on the big screen with more detail than one could possibly think up. More, and more I am coming to understand and appreciate however, all of the effort and people and creative minds that go into making these moving pictures a reality, and it is a large reason why I chose this course.

    It's very difficult for me to narrow it down to a favorite film as there is an ever growing list of films that I absolutely adore. However, if I had to choose one, I think that it would have to be Christopher Nolan's Inception(2010). It is perhaps the most complex and intelligent film that I have ever seen and continues to blow my mind every time I am lucky enough to view it. Not to mention, it's written and directed by perhaps my favorite director working today, Christopher Nolan. The way that he crafts intricate, intelligent and engaging stories is one of the main reasons that I aspire to become a film maker.

  6. I've always been interested in film making, so when I found out I could take film junior year i was excited to take it. I know it's going to be a lot of work but I feel like it will be worth the work to me. My honest expectations of the class is I feel like at points this class will overwhelm but I also expect the pay off to be amazing. I'm expecting to learn a lot from this class and that makes me feel great because it's something that I want to happen. I'm ready to start learning everything this course has to offer for me. My expectations for myself in this class is I expect myself to do relatively well because I chose to take this course so I'll want to do the work so I can succeed.

    When I hear the word movie, if I'm being completely honest I think of something to be casually viewed. Basically unless I know a movie has a deeper meaning I won't look for it. But even from the summer work I learned a lot of how everything is done on purpose and everything has deeper meaning. I'm ready to change what it means when I hear the word movie.

    My favorite movie is Logan - 2017 directed by James Mangold. I know most people will say that modern movies especially "super hero" movies aren't very complex or have a deeper meaning. But, Logan is a very well directed movie that uses so many beautiful techniques to give it a different feel from other super hero movies. The story or plot of this movie is also so well put together. It stands out from other super hero movies because of its darker ending and also it's R rating which gives it a different atmosphere than other movies of the same genre. Also it's sound track is so well put together, it fits the story so well.

    1. It won't matter if movies are "good" or "bad"--you're going to learn to "read" and interpret all movies.

  7. My expectations of this course and how I will perform in this course are almost completely based off of what my brother has told me about it. He was (and still is) incredibly passionate about film, and incredibly involved in this course. Although I love movies, I would not consider my like for film to be a “passion”. However, my expectations are in line to what he has told me. My expectations are that the course will be both entertaining and difficult. I also expect that I will learn how to analyze movies on a very in depth level. As for my expectations of how I will do in the course, initially I am doubtful of success. I often have trouble managing time (as I am typing up this entry at 12 at night), but believe that with my perfectionist mindset and heavy work load, I will be forced to fix my bad ways of procrastination.
    When I hear the word movie, I think of all of the movies that I’ve watched with my family, or with my friends in theaters. If I am being completely honest, I think of the film “Hugo” (Scorsese, 2011). For some reason, I just always associate that film with the word movie. Perhaps it was the first movie that I had watched that really had depth and dynamic characters, or maybe it was the first movie that I saw that made me interesting in how films were created. Either way, the word movie brings me back to all the happy times I have spent with others and how I enjoy the films that I watch.
    My absolute favorite movie is “The Ring” (Verbinski, 2002). Before last christmas, I had absolutely zero interest in horror films. I thought they were basically cheap thrills filled with unnecessary jump scares. Well this all changed when I accidentally watched the ring without knowing what movie is was. A movie was on the Sci-Fi channel and I was beyond bored, so I watched it. I immediately fell in love. I was terrified (with good reason), but I was just obsessed with how the film made the viewer terrified without any jump scares, and purely by suspense and thrill factor. Soon after my first watch through, I watched it again just because I adored it so much, and subsequently, I have become moderately obsessed with the thriller/ horror genre, and I am greedy for more.

  8. I have been obsessed with movies for as long as I could remember, so it brings me great joy to be in this class to begin with. IB film I expect to be a fun yet challenging course that will test my knowledge of film as well as providing an opportunity for me to learn so much more. As for myself, I want to learn as much as possible, I want to absorb as much information as I can about film, which is something I do on a near daily basis. I watch countless videos about how films are made and what they actually mean and follow another countless number of channels on YouTube dedicated to it. I love film, I always have. I’m obsessed with how they are made as well as the storytelling aspects to them that I find just so fascinating. I want to become a director one day, and I know that for me to become one I must put in for anything to come out, and that is exactly what I intend on doing. I look forward to learning in this class and working together with my classmates to create films that we can call our own.

    Many things come to mind when I hear the word “movie”, probably because I’ve seen so many of them. I actually counted the number of films on the IB film master list that I have seen and it turns out I’ve seen fifty four of them in total. Whenever I hear that word what I think about are big epics that I adore, Ben-Hur (1959), Braveheart (1995), The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003), and one of my all time favorites, Lawrence of Arabia (1962). The grand spectacle and wonderful stories these films display is what cinema was made for in my opinion, something that cannot be replicated on a stage or in a book.

    My favorite movie tends to change a lot, I tell people The Godfather (1972), because it is one of my top favorites, but I just say that because I’m always debating what it is. One week it’s Lawrence of Arabia (1962), the next it’s The Empire Strikes Back (1980), and so on. However, no matter how much I change my mind, I always come back to one film which I have been obsessed with since I was twelve years old, 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). 2001 is directed by my favorite film director, Stanley Kubrick, and this movie is the main reason why he is my favorite (as well as Dr. Strangelove). Where do I begin with 2001, from Kubrick’s perfect direction, to the story which asks you to take a look at our place in the universe in a way that is profound, to the obscurity it explores, to the special effects which are some of the best ever put to film, to HAL 9000 being one of the greatest villains ever put to film, to the soundtrack, it’s a perfect movie in my opinion. 2001 is an experience and one that never ceases to blow me away whenever I watch it.

    1. I saw 2001 in Toronto a few years ago in 70 mm. It's one of my favs as well.

  9. When I decided to sign up for IB film, I did it with the understanding that I would be challenged in meaningful ways which would evolve my understanding of film and other media. I enjoy writing as well, so this class provides an opportunity to enhance my writing skills, on top of learning new ways to analyze film in essays. Although this class is a lot of work (as shown by the summer textbook work), I am prepared as working on things I enjoy makes it easier. My interest in this course was driven by my older brother Cooper Roussel, who works in the film industry after four years of film school at Bard. I enjoy analyzing narrative and films, and Cooper's stories have only reinforced my interest in such subjects. I believe that I am able to handle the work load, and this class will serve as a great way to improve my time management skills which will apply to other courses. I am also very interested in learning how to frame and apply various techniques to create exciting and dynamic shots, as I think I am most interested in the cinematography aspect of film. Cinematography is very dynamic, and will allow me to incorporate the techniques of other filmmakers into my work.

    When I think of the word movie, I think of a moving picture which is made up of various complicated structural supports. This includes sound design, cinematography, set design, and various other artistic visions which drive and shape narrative. I see movies as one of the most important art forms in our society, as they serve as a creative outlet for various types of people with different personalities and artistic abilities. Even more importantly, movies provide social commentary which criticize the problems in society, shedding light on oppressed people and the struggles they face. Overall, movies are an art form which express someones vision and ideas through a variety of expressive qualities.

    My favorite movie is "Pans's Labyrinth", as it perfectly utilizes various famous tropes from fairy tales, while expressing them with dark undertones reminiscent of the problems in facist Spain.
    -Henry Fowler

    1. What is Cooper doing in the film industry? Where is he living? Please tell him I say hello!!!

  10. In all honesty, when I signed up for this class, I didn't think I felt particularly strong about movies, or at least not enough to spend two years focusing on them. I enjoy movies as a form of entertainment and liked the idea of being knowledgeable about them, but was unsure of how committed I felt to this class. Over the summer I watched a lot of movies and realized I felt stronger about them as I realized. My favorite thing in the world is music, so I have become very interested in sound design and cannot wait to attempt it in this class. I also love to write about things I love (mostly music) so I am actually excited to dissect movie scenes and discuss my thoughts in film essay form. I also really love photography so I am very excited to attempt and work on cinematography in this class. I also want to be able to comfortably discuss film with adults and my peers after the intensity of this course.

    When I think of the word "movie" I think of entertainment. I think of a two hour escape that I can delve into another narrative and ditch my own. I think of a lot of the terms I learned over the summer like "180 degree rule" or " long shot". I think of one of the most important and wealthy forms of art, as well as the one of the most popular amongst our society.

    My current favorite movie is "Lost In Translation" directed by Sofia Coppola. I love how interpretive the ending is and how the characters find solace despite their differences. Also, the soundtrack is great; the Jesus and Mary Chain over the ending is such a great mixture to the neon lights of Japan. Bill Murray is also one of my favorite actors, and his delivery of witty one liners and sarcasm brings me joy. I can watch it over and over again, and I enjoy the lack of huge plot points in the narrative.

    1. Great. I can't wait for you to really delve into the role of sound designer. I have a few books on the craft. Google foley artists and watch how they create foley for films. Glad you took the class.

  11. In this class, I hope to examine films and shows in ways I hadn’t imagined before, like how lighting could be symbolic to the story or how a specific camera angle could reveal something about a character. As an aspiring investigator, this kind of training in thorough analysis is invaluable to me, as I will be able to make better deductions with less evidence. I think I’ll probably spend hours at a time analyzing just a few scenes in movies, which I imagine is average for this course. I hope to make an adequate screenplay with valid continuity when the time comes, in what I hope to be an interesting story.
    When I hear the word “movie”, it generally reminds me of the phrase “moving pictures”, since that’s where the word originated. It makes me think of dramatic stories presented by actors over a longer period of time than an average TV show. Movies are often judged by the quality of their effects or camera technique, which are important, especially for this course, but I believe the main thing a film should be judged for is the integrity of its story.
    I really couldn’t choose one favorite movie I’ve ever had, because I have such high esteem for so many of them. Basically, if a movie had a group of well-written characters with noble goals (even if they themselves might have been less than noble) fighting against a supernatural or super-powerful evil, I can guarantee I would give it a six out of a five star rating. Movies (or series of movies, in many cases) like this include the Harry Potter series, the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogies, the ongoing (Thank you, Disney) Star Wars saga, and essentially any film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

  12. My expectations of this class and for myself in this class is that I will learn to co-operate on projects with others and learn to use team work as an advantage.
    When I hear the word movie all I think of is Robert Deniro looking in the mirror in Taxi Driver talking to himself saying "You talkin' to me?". There really isn't a reason why I think of that other than it being an iconic scene in a great film and that just always what pops in my head when I hear the word movie. I have plenty of favorite films from many different genres and it is so hard to choose. Movies such as Django Unchained, Inception, Catch me if You Can, Reservoir Dogs, Casino, Big Trouble in Little China, The God Father saga, La La Land, and Pulp Ficiton of course all make my top 10, but only one movie tops that list at the one spot. My favorite film has to be Scarface for many clear reasons such as cinematography, performance, and the wonderful direction by Brian De Palma. But the one personal reason why this film has so much significance to me is that it's the one film that me and my older brother watch multiple times a year and have a good laugh and immersion into the world of Tony Montana. We always bond over it and make references to the iconic scenes throughout the film and it is overall an enjoyable film to watch.

    1. If you like DePalma's Scarface, you should definitely watch the original...
